Monday, November 21, 2011

a random prayer on friday, november 18

"Is this naivety, God?
No, I will believe you. You promised to come and save the day, it may not be the way I expect. But I believe you.

What if the seed has to die so that many will have life?

I guess at least...many will have life."
When my friend, John Manalo passed away earlier this year (he was someone my parents loved and mentored.)I told my Mom, "the seed had to die so that many will have life". We both agreed that although it was painful, many would have life because of His love for Jesus Christ.

And today, I see it the same way. I asked myself then--I asked God, "what if the seed has to die so that many will have life?". Then I guess, since I have no control, if she was to die then she was going to die because God would be glorified more.

The greatest legacy she left is her love for Jesus Christ.

Will you choose to love Him too?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Agnes,

I am jealous that you are with the Father now and laughing with Him in person. What a beautiful person you are and how God so created you! You will be missed but we cannot be selfish. Your life was created for God's glory and we trust His sovereignty always. And, yes, God is good all the time!

Arlene Lealde Meehan

“We see a hearse; we think sorrow. We see a grave; we think despair. We hear of a death; we think of a loss. Not so in heaven. When heaven sees a breathless body, it sees the vacated cocoon & the liberated butterfly.”

― Max Lucado, Max On Life: Answers and Inspiration for Today's Questions