Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is Agnes a celebrity???

We visited my sister yesterday. Her condition is still stable, and we are very thankful for the ICU nurses round the clock who are caring for Agnes. We know God’s presence is with Agnes and all over her room. Whenever my wife and I read or share a scripture, prayer or blessing with Agnes, the nurses will drop in and we ask “Are we in your way?” and they respond “Oh no, just continue what you're doing.” Even during those moments, Agnes is still being used for the glory of God.

We went to a fundraiser on Friday night at 7 pm, November 18th, 2011, given by Fil-Am Evangelical Covenant Church. It was a play called “It’s Cool To Be in the Furnace” and my niece, Liana, was in it. Originally, it was a fundraiser for my sister’s church building but it was turned into a fundraiser for her rising medical expenses.

We loved the creativity of the play. It was about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego set to jazzy tunes.


Anyways, when the offering plate was passed around, I felt the love of everyone’s generosity of contributing their donations and hard-earned money towards Agnes’ expenses. This brought tears of joy to see the love that people have demonstrated.

We came back to the hospital around 9 pm. We saw Agnes and she can hear us. When Vernie asked her questions, she can nod. She’s still fighting and clinging to her life. She’s a fighter.

As we were waiting for the elevator in the lobby, a stranger asked me who Agnes was.. 

The reason why he asks is because the last 2 days he was there, he observed this:
·        Crowds (30 or more) of people visiting my sister.
·        Visitors taking up the entire waiting room. 25 people fitting into a waiting room built for 15 people!
·        Crowds of young people
·        Little kids
·        Elderly people
·        Lots of families
All visiting my sister…

He then asked, “Is she someone special? A celebrity, maybe?” I told him she was my sister. 

He walked away with a smile. I felt the inspiration and blessing on his face. Can you believe that? Agnes is still making an impact to strangers.

I pondered about the stranger’s question, "Is she someone special?" The answer is, "She sure is!"

Agnes has touched so many friends that I didn’t even know she had . She’s the mom to every young person they have never had. . She’s their life coach. She’s the friend they never had. She’s a great mom. She’s a great wife to Dennis. She’s God’s child.

She’s my sister.

Expect a miracle.



Annabel said...

Jimmy - This post is so beautiful and touching. Thank you for sharing. Fe is such a beautiful person. We would love to visit her, but are waiting to recover from our colds and don't want to risk bringing any infection to her at this time. Can you post more information about the event next Saturday, 11/26? Until then, please let her know that she's in all our thoughts and prayers. Thanks, Annabel (Paz) and James

Think Simplicity said...

She's totally a celebrity. (:

HPuyaoan said...

8] she's specially famous

Rowen and Mayeth said...

She is truly a God gift to all of us!!!So bless to have her as my cousin

christinE g. leong said...

She's a Princess. Daughter of the Mighty King. That will make her more than a celebrity. A royalty. Thanks for sharing. I LOVE IT. Can't wait to post photos from last night and hear/read everyone's post.