Monday, November 21, 2011

I had a dream that you were so excited to go home and Home is where you are.

My heart is so crushed to know that someone so inspiring, strong and full of wisdom isn’t here anymore, yet my heart is so glad that you are in heaven with our God. I know that this past month has been a struggle for you, Uncle Dennis, Desiree, Liana & Sammi, but God had a plan for you all and His plan was all for His glory. He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30.
God works in our lives through pain and tribulations. After the rain and the tears, God’s plan always shines through and his unending love will always be there to comfort us.

Auntie Agnes, because of you I can honestly say that I haven’t felt so close to God and been so inspired to have the heart, knowledge and strength that you have. One day, I really do pray to be someone as strong as you. You are GREATLY loved. I can’t wait to see you again. We miss you and though all of this was too soon, I know I’ll be seeing you again.


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