Saturday, November 19, 2011

Update From Dennis

Hello Everyone,

Some quick update. Yesterday as I left & returned Mercy Hospital in the morning. 
Nurse asked Agnes if she was having breathing difficulties. She nodded "Yes," which was a Miracle in itself since she is heavily sedated. Nurse Prayed with her after asking Agnes, nodding "yes," if she can pray for her.

A chest tube was added immediately by the staff to the Left lung due to it collapsing as x-ray revealed.

She is surrounded by Great People who OCCUPY Mercy General Hospital who are fervently praying for her.


Been having some Beautiful Fall/Winter days here in Northern California.

Sooo much Fall Color with a Touch of Grey due to the recent rains we have received.

It seems Life have given Our Family soo much Color recently in these past days & weeks.

As we approached these Grateful Holidays,Your Prayers, Tears, Quotes, Songs/Music, Time & Resources are Greatly Appreciated in our small corner of the world.

As God performs his Daily Miracles here at Mercy Hospital.

We Celebrate Thanksgiving for each & every moment that God gives to Agnes Fe Seisa.


Annabel (Paz) and James said...

Thinking of you, Cousin Fe :), and keeping you and your family in our prayers.

Michele Manalo said...

Hi Dennis and Agnes,
Continuing to pray for you...and marveling at the work of miracles in your lives and in your family that the Lord is doing right before our eyes. I praise God for the inward work of grace and faith in your hearts. Jesus Christ our Lord and our Heavenly Father are very real. Thank you for the updates...they help us to stay in touch with you while we are busy with helping others with their needs. We love you all!
Bill and Michele Manalo and family