Thursday, November 17, 2011

My friend, Dennis and recent update...

Finally spoke with Dennis, my other dear friend. I've been trying to get ahold of him, texting/FBing/nagging him to get more updates on Agnes' condition but sometimes we forget, I FORGET, that he is overwhelmed. That he is in dire need of some time to recuperate himself. I'm sorry, Dennis. You've been so strong for everyone, we sometimes think you don't need to rest. I forget that you have to take care of other things, too. Paperwork, phone calls, kids to take care of. And on top of all that, trying to find a stable job to provide for your family.
Friends, please keep our dear brother, Dennis in prayer, as much as our dear Agnes.

At any rate, here's Dennis' recent update via FB. Please read and pray...

"Hello Everyone,

Thank You All for Your Love/Support to Our Family.

I'm sorry if I don't come here (FB) that often, It has been a long week for Agnes & her journey fighting thru this cancer ordeal.

Last week she had a life conditional change which was resolved by prayers & BiPap (forced oxygen) machine to her lungs which helped her breathe on her own again.

This past week was filled with positive strides, ie: both lung wall linings starting to get thinner of cancer cells due to the Tarceva medicine, her appetite becoming more with her finishing up some homemade spaghetti. (Thanks, Sharee!)

Things were looking up!

Unfortunately, on Tuesday night, 11/15th, she started coughing again, & was given Zanax, Adavant, Nebulizer, help with her anxiety/breathing.

BiPap was added at 1 am as she was struggling to breathe, using it on & off thru the night till Wednesday morning.

Around 6 am, Wednesday, 11/16th, she was tiring out & the Rapid Response Team (Mercy) was onsite as her blood pressure climbed up to 160. The team asked for permission to intubate her (oxygen tube down the throat) to help her with her breathing & to lower the blood pressure.

Called my brother, Elmer & family, a friend, for prayer & advice on the matter since this will sedate her, & will have to her breathe mechanically. 
Intubation was iniated at 6:30 am, transferring her to the 3rd floor to the ICU for observation & evaluation.

CAT Scan was initiated to find out other symptoms. It revealed that the right lung has collapsed/pneumothorax with the left lung doing all the work for several hours prior to intubation revealed also that the left lung was starting to collapse along with the right & intubation has saved her from expiring.

Right lung received a tube/below ribs to help re-inflate/air exchange for Agnes' breathing. Left lung was being considered also for this procedure for possibility of collapsing.

Doctors informed us that the right lung collapsed maybe due to pin hole size puncture caused by the cancer cells making the lung wall porous, also there is NO possibility of cure/repair due to both lungs being filled with cancer cells complication. (Note: She's no longer taking chemo and Tarceva.)

We are asking for your mighty prayers & still Expecting Miracles!
Our goal is have Thanksgiving with our Family/Friends. For this will be Her Finest Days/Hours with Us here on Earth....." ~Dennis & family

Having Thanksgiving dinner together as a family. Simple yet significant request. Each minute, each day is priceless. Make each moment count with your loved ones, will you? Not just on the holidays but throughout the year.

In the meantime, Dennis asks that if you would like to visit, please make sure that you are not sick. Children under 12 cannot visit due to hospital regulations. She no longer resides in Room 207. She has been moved to the ICU, Room 342. When you do visit, pray and read her the bible. She'll like that.

Send me your favorite bible verses, and photos of/with Agnes, too. Dennis reads them to her, and they encourage her more than you know. Write something (an event, a gesture, serious or silly things) you remember about her, things she did or said that made an impact on you. I'll post them on a special page on this blog.
How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!
I can’t even count them;
They outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
YOU are still with me! 
~Psalm 139:17-18

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