Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Traditions

Mom's Grave @ Cypress Lawn, 12/28

Hyatt Hotel @ Embarcadero Plaza

Lingad brothers finishing a puzzle until 1am (pictures taken by Auntie Christine)Nong Noel making Musubi

Dad sharing and giving thanks at the table

Playing "Say Anything" until 2am:

A very special thank you to the Lingad and Leong family for coming over to stay the night in our tiny apartment. It really brought joy to our Christmas to have close family/friends stay over like old times! Missing mom hurt the most because usually she would be sitting at the table with Auntie Tina and Auntie Christine, catching up and laughing all night. I'm sure she would have really enjoyed everyone else cooking for her instead of her being in the kitchen all the time.

Nonetheless, we REJOICE this Christmas season. It is not over yet! We still have a New Year to look forward to.. a time to look forward to a brighter future that God has promised us. Our days are still shadowed, and we are still feeling the pain of loss, of grief. Reminiscing upon the annual traditions we had with mom since childhood - ice skating in Embarcadero, cooking dinner, watching classic movies... But our hope is not lost. It still remains in Jesus Christ, because He is the only one who will never disappoint us.

Enjoy your precious time with your family and friends. Make an effort to see all of them other than just once a year for the holidays. Be thankful. Enjoy the little things. REJOICE because Jesus is alive. O Come Let Us Adore Him!

1 comment:

christinE g. leong said...

Yes, your Mom would be laughing and catching up with the always. **sigh**

Thanks for having ALL of us. Despite lack of sleep, it was definitely "memories in the making." We hope to keep it up through the years.

Know that we're thinking/praying always for you and your family. We're only a phone call away...

hugs, big hugs...
auntie christine & the leongs