Saturday, October 20, 2012

A day to look back and a day to move forward.

One year ago, I came to Freeport bakery to buy the annual tradition for your birthday: a fruit tart that you've always craved for. Last year was different. You didn't eat as much. 

This year, it's different, too. I'm at the same exact spot, only with no fruit tart in hand. Just a few selected journals that were sitting in a box in the corner of your room. Coffee and donuts for myself. Another nice, sunny day. Still, I sit in disbelief. Where has the time gone? We have yet to hit our "one year mark". Sometimes, I still question what God's purpose was for this year's trial and hardship. 

Then, I remember how much we've grown as individuals. Our church, the youth group, old childhood friends, new friends, and our immediate family in general. We've experienced a loss and pain so deep, words can't even explain how much it hurts to miss you. I also remember the words from the song that Liana sang at your funeral, "Blessings". A gentle reminder that this is not our home, and that we still have many more beautiful, sunny days to look forward to. 

- Desiree Seisa
Grateful Birthday to you Agnes.

As We Celebrate Your Life by the encouraging example you have purposely lived by.

I'm sharing a message she sent me in 2009 & wanted to share this Wonderful Gift to you, who had received this type of Love & Encouragement from our dearly departed love one throughout the years.

Thank you for your "Shining Example" to us All.

We All miss you much.


Fwd Quote:
"There is no security in this life. There is only opportunity." Douglas Macarthur

Chris Widener's Action Point:
Most people spend their time trying to keep what they already have or stay at the level they have already attained. This is human nature. The problem is that keeps us focused on the wrong things, especially if we are going to continue moving on and becoming more successful. Instead, we ought to accept the fact that there is no security and therefore nothing to spend our time worrying about. This then, allows us to focus in on our goals, dreams and visions - the opportunities that we desire to strive for. It unleashes our potential because we are focused on the right things! Action Point: Think of the things you worry about losing. Mentally accept that there really is no security in them anyway. Now take some time, and continue to do this regularly, to think about your opportunities. Every time you begin to worry, take that thought captive and refocus on your opportunities.
- Dennis Seisa

More than we could ask for

"'Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.'  Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.  Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." - Proverbs 31:29-31

Today is your birthday and oh how I wish all of us could celebrate this special day with you, but you are now celebrating joyously in heaven; a celebration far more than we could ever imagine.  I just want you and everyone to know that you have done more than expected in people's lives.  You are the definition of a true and faithful servant.  You are more than a friend, a mentor, a teacher, an aunt, a niece, a sister, a daughter, a mother, a wife, an are a miracle.  8]

I love you Auntie


Thursday, October 18, 2012

For you, mommy.

Happy Early Birthday.

Photos and videos

Hi everyone,

I'm currently editing a short video/slideshow for my mom's one year anniversary. If anyone has any photos/videos they would like to be included in this short video, please feel free to email them to It'd be very appreciated!

- Desiree Seisa