Saturday, May 11, 2019

2019: Current Updates

It’s been a few years since I’ve written--not for lack of desire but for lack of words (but I also get tired of seeing my only name in the posts!).

As always, our hearts are so full of gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness to all who have loved, encouraged, supported us over the past almost 8 years. Thank you!!!

At the risk of sounding cheesy, It’s been quite...a journey? An adventure? A rollercoaster?
That's what life looks like, right?
Grief takes long--it’s not noticeable, it's not visible, but it’s there. The first 3 years (2012-2014) were incredibly rough, with the next three (2015-2017) less painful, and these past almost past 2-3 (2017 to present) we’ve come to a healthier normal. It’ll be 8 years this year. We still grieve, but we also live on. Grieving is part of life.

Currently, we’re in a season of life transitions

- This week, we’ve said adieu to Grandma Seisa at her funeral as she hands off her beautiful legacy to the next generation
- This summer, The wedding bells will be ringing for my upcoming marriage
- This school year, Sammy has lived more than half her life without my Mom--she's walking into the tensile strength testing of the teenage years
- Plus whatever else is ahead for us in 2019!

There are many things I’ve learned these past few years post-Mom, but I think one that’s been highlighted, underlined, bolded, italicized, and marked with exclamation points(!) is what a former missionary wrote during his short 29 years of life:
"Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”

~Jim Elliot